One Step at a Time

We have settled in Toronto for three days now. Well, Kevin has been here since March and went back to Vancouver last weekend to pick me up. We went driving 15 hours straight every day for 3 days across the state. Passed by 11 states, stayed in 3 along the way and reflected on how far we have come. How far we have come in life, how far we have come since we slowly closed our season in Vancouver and how far we have come, literally, on our driving. Kevin told me on the second day to look at the US map and checked the distance we had gone through. I was shocked and he laughed at me. It all went so fast, in my opinion. It seemed overwhelming to me at the beginning of the journey that we had to drive 4,400 kilometres; however, we needed to get in the car and drive the first kilometer to start and experience the journey. And yet, the first half, of over 2,500 km, went by unnoticeable. I realized it is the same thing in life. I graduated from college 3 years ago and got scared of what life and my family have expected of me. I landed on an accounting job right away and worked behind the computer for 40-60 hours a week. It was all well. Kevin and I started this business 2 years ago without any knowledge on how to run it but learnt from our mentors along the way and served over 15 clients last year. Our business is well and growing. Everything in life requires the first step, the first bite, and all the “first” thing you need to do to be on the other end. Without that “first” you are not who you are today. During our drive, Kevin and I talked about our marriage and business which happen to start in the same year and we can see God’s hand every step of the way. We are amazed at how far we have come and for that, we are grateful. We can’t see life as one and be overwhelmed with what it takes to be on the other end. We take it one day at a time. And the faithfulness to read the word every morning, get in the car and drive to work whatever the weather and our feeling are and work as if today is our last day, have brought us here today. Over and over, people told us that we are capable more than what we have accomplished so far and it is true. But it takes that faithfulness and commitment today so that we get to be on the other end. For Kevin and I, we won’t take a lifetime in one bite, we take today as our first step to get out there and be faithful on our calling.

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This is an iPhone photo of our accomplishment this week. It seems small but I know, if God allows, 50 years from now we will look at this photo differently. It’s a big step. This is a milestone in our lives and we want to share it with you:

This song by Matt Redman has played over and over in my mind in the past 3 weeks and every word rings true to me. Hopefully, it helps encouraged some of you this weekend:

~ Love,
Jennifer ~


Loved how you used the trip from Vancouver to Ontario as an analogy on life. It’s quite an eye-opener when we reflect back to our life and realise how incredibly fast time passes by. However, congratulations on that “first” step to your career! Words cannot express on how proud and how much you guys inspire me. Cheers to the start of the beginning of your journey and I can’t wait with what you guys will come up and publish in the near future 🙂

Mira Tanumihardja

What a life journey.. And, as I am reading your blog, I reflected back to our old days at college… was 4++ years ago and see where and what are we are becoming now……time went by just like that……I agree, we need to take the “FIRST” step with big faith to do whatever God has planned in our life….. Enjoy Toronto and your Hello-Inspira journey….I can’t wait to see you hopefully next year when I visit Toronto… big hugs from the other continent…….- Mira-

Wow, it looks so different. How’s Toronto Jen?

It’s quite humid haha but loving the city in every heart beat, Schan. I hope you will be able to come and visit us soon?

It’s quite humid haha but loving the city in every heart beat, Schan. I hope you will be able to come and visit us soon?

As I read your blog and listen to the song … I was yet reminded ” Never once did we ever walk alone” and so I concur! All the best on your new journey, Inspira! Live, laugh and love.. cheers.



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A Glimpse of What’s To Come

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