Two Years Behind Us

Two years ago at this exact moment I am writing this post, a person whom I love so dearly vowed the following:

I promise to hold you when you cry and to cry while you hold me.
I promise to share to you all my joy and fear, brokenness and courage, success and failure.

I promise to seek God with you, bravely and constantly, holding you closer than any other human to the heart of my heart, with only God in the very center.

However much our love to one another deepens, I promise to love God even more than you.
I ask you to love God even more than me, that our growing love for Him will draw us closer to one another and that our life will be a testimony of His awesome wonder…

Life may come easy or hard, and season will come and change.
I cannot predict the future and I won’t be able to guarantee that life will be smooth sailing.
But one thing for sure, together we will look up because our Jesus reigns.

I promise you nothing less than the rest of my life.
To you I open up my heart and give you myself

… but along the way I learn to love you the way God wanted me to love you.
To honor you without any thought of myself.
I promise to God that I will stay learning and getting deeper in love with you daily.
I promise to comfort, cherish and honor you until death do us apart

As I rewrote the above vow, I could not hold my happy tears, again. It has been two years and yet, it feels like yesterday. We had been dating for six years before we stood on that very altar that day and said our vows. But every time I see him coming home from work, my heart still bursts with joy. Just like when he first picked me up for our first date, eight years ago. And every time he kissed me, my heart stopped for a second. Just like when we had our first kiss, seven years ago. Whenever he was away from home for a business trip, he would call/skype me at the end of the night knowing fully that I had missed him so very much. Just like when we had to have a long distance relationship for one summer, six years ago. He did not fail to do so every single night of the three and a half months we were apart this year either. In a room full of people, he whispered how much he loved me and how he could not get his eyes off me. Just like when he first said it in one of our friends’ wedding, five years ago. He took my left hand and squeezed it gently whenever a car cut us off. Just like when he started driving his own car four years ago, a car cut us off and he squeezed my hand gently and said we were in no hurry. He took both of my hands to pray every night. Just like he did three years ago and he ended the prayer with a ring and knelt down on his one knee to ask me to be his wife and have this kind of prayer every night for the rest of our lives.

It has been two years for us, for some people, they will say it has only been two years. But for two years, we keep doing what we have always been doing since our first date or our first time. It is a hardwork when life shows you its challenges. But just like he said that he would stay learning and getting deeper in love… and to promise nothing less than the rest of his life, we never look back. Marriage is beautiful and it is worth all the hard work to push through and love your spouse the way God wants you to.

Happy anniversary to my love and my best friend, Kevin.

~Share the love,


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St. Andrew’s Parish Wedding: Marivic and Richard

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