The Birthday Girl

Hi everybody,

It’s Kevin here. Many of you know that while I love my wife so much, writing is not my forte but today is Jennifer’s birthday and she deserves a birthday post.
I remember the first time how we celebrated her first birthday. The day was your typical Vancouver weather, wet,grey and cold but somehow I managed to travel all the way from my house to her place despite having a broken-down car and transit to stop working (FYI, Vancouver is not the most transit-friendly city.. it easily took me 2½ hours to get there). I get to surprised her with a homemade birthday card and a flower-bouquet.
To this day, I can still remember that look where she was so surprised and full of life. And to wake up each day to see that very look right beside me means that I’m the luckiest man. Jenn, today is your birthday and you deserves the best. Thank you for being there for me and while our journey has evolved so much, one thing never change, I love you =)

– Kevin

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