Tag: photography

A Travel Journal: Muskoka

Earlier this month, we got a chance to unplug from work and enjoy life, friendship and great food. We were out in Muskoka for a few days and got to do simple things that we didn’t get to enjoy with our summer schedule: reading on a lakeside, canoeing and screaming on the top of our […]


Book Review: Love Does

This book is such a delight! We picked it up because we read from this that Bob jumped into the lake with his whole family to bid Don and his friends a goodbye. That’s amazing, isn’t it? Who does that? Right then, we knew we had to read this book. Love Does is a story […]


Engagement Session: Silliness Allowed!

It has been two weeks of processing and shooting even more weddings for us. We had a fun engagement session last weekend that we can’t wait to share. As we edit this session, we realized that there are works that got buried in our finished folders and never shared on this blog. Most often than not, these […]


Four Things Lately

It’s been a really interesting week for me. I have been wearing formal tops and yoga pants and had Skype meetings at home. A lot of behind the scene works. And they are the hardest for me. Exciting but hard. Thinking through the options and making sure the investment is wise and needed. It’s all […]

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