
Richmond Hill Wedding Photography: Love In Times of Corona // Jocelyn + James

Jocelyn suggested the hashtag for us in the email: #loveintimesofcorona and we love it! Jocelyn and James got married at the beginning of July in one of the churches’ in Richmond Hill that Jocelyn used to attend. Their original wedding date was that same weekend but the pandemic changed everything. Still wanting to celebrate in the same weekend, they complied to the government’s rule of 30% of the building capacity and they got married in front of fifty family members and close friends.


Their wedding is our first wedding since the pandemic. Everyone wore masks and kept the social distance rules in the church. Although the celebration is slightly different with masks and rules, the feel of the ceremony and the love that they declared for each other stayed the same. We are honored to have documented their ceremony and cannot wait for their upcoming reception later this year. Enjoy your sneak peeks, Jocelyn and James!



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Toronto Portrait Photographer // Project VOTUM, Stephany

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