Our Favourite Lately: I Just Want To Stay In It

It’s been a rather interesting month to me. I knew that I wanted to be off from social media since last summer. But it’s a lot harder when your peers and couples are on it a lot and the weddings are just around the corner. So I embraced the month of January with so much joy that I could finally do this! I still logged in when I have to pull out posts or when my peers sent messages but that’s it! I missed a lot of announcements on engagement, pregnancy and life’s milestones of my friends’ but here’s where Kevin came into play and updated me on the news in person every other night! 😉

I spent more time reading. Reflecting. Meeting people in person and actually spending time with them (not through chat windows or skype! How awkward it is after awhile!!). Writing letters and postcards (oh yes, my old soul). And reading some more.

Kevin and I also watched some movies that were played on Sundance Festivals and got great reviews! But this movie, which is actually not on the festival, stood out for the reality call! I checked online and it got some mixed reviews. We happen to be on the pro side and loved it SO much! So much that I am writing this and listening to their soundtrack! If you haven’t seen it yet, I hope you’ll schedule a date night or find a friend to accompany you or just simply go by yourself to see it!


We were amazed at the cinematography as much as the moral behind it. But the website, WOW! I always checked out movie’s websites (I know I am weird like that, Kev already told me!) and I have never seen one like this! If there is any site that I am missing and as awesome, please leave a comment below so I can go browsing in February 😉

There is a part in the film that I found to ring so true, this is the moment where you’d think a photographer would grab his camera and freeze the moment:

hello inspira movie quote

There are moments in weddings that sometimes we feel so sacred to be missed. Like it’s so wrong to click the shutter at that very moment… That intimate moment. But we did it anyway. We have lerned to always document it as our clients love these so much. But I remember years ago when my heart cried a little for trespassing that moment… That sacredness… We just have to share it here. 🙂 And in life, there are moments that we just be still, soak in and don’t reach for our iphone/camera. We just stayed right there.


Our Favourite Lately: Kinfolk Mag on Traveling Duos

One Image: The Whisper

One Image: A Mother’s Love

One Image: I Carry Your Heart With Me


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Jenn and Kevin

Contact Jenn and Kev |  View more of Hello|Inspira Toronto Wedding Photographer online portfolio | Like us on Facebook


Great blog post! I haven’t seen that movie yet, but now I want to!

I still need to see that movie! But you are so right, some moments just need to be enjoyed.

yes! I want to see this film so bad but haven’t been able to get to it yet!

Always love to read your reviews!

I agree 100%! I got goose bumps at the same part about being in the moment. I wondered to my husband if that’s why I struggle to take “real” photos of my own kiddos. I try to be in the moment and not photographer. Loved loved that movie!

You’ve inspired me to see this! 🙂



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In Home Maternity Session: Erika

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