IKEA Engagement Photoshoot

One of things that we love from being wedding photographers is we got to meet couples and we got to learn who they are. And learning about Matthew and Venus has been amazing. We asked them what made them unique as a couple and their answer is one that we have never read before.

Sometimes they drove to the same destination in different cars and they were on the phone with each other. There are times they can see the other person in the other car and they would make hand gestures so the other person could see. We love reading this. We think that relationship is about growing up (or old :D) together. Sometimes there are things that we think are insubstantial in life/relationship but it plays a big role. Talking to each other about substantial and insubstantial things, carving that time, are one of the skills that couples need to keep/develop. We think Matthew and Venus are genius, they still live with their parents, and although they will see each other in the destination, they still spend time talking about other things prior to their meeting. They carve time for each other to deepen their relationship.

We love that they were psyched about the idea to go to IKEA for their engagement session! Also, one of our questions what they like to do as a couple and they answered: going to IKEA, imagining our future home and enjoying Swedish meatball! This is our first engagement session in IKEA and we hope you love these photos as much as we do!

Matthew and Venus, we cannot wait for your big day next year! We enjoyed spending our time photographing you two and we know, it’ll be an honour to document your big day and meet your family next yea

This will be one of the pictures we would remember forever. We asked them to chill on the couch and watch TV. Matthew asked if we could turn on the TV and we suggested him to use his phone to be the remote… Now take away this information, you’d think they were watching TV with a (phone) remote in hand! 😀

And then we head out to Belcroft where they will be tying the knot next year! The drive up was magical! We couldn’t believe our eyes that the changing colours is this beautiful!


It’s not pictured in this post but they did meet with our boy, Croquette. They drove home with us and officially met him on our porch. Croquette was so excited to see them and we could see these two will be a perfect corgi parents in the future! <3

Much love,

Jenn and Kevin




next one

Whispering Springs Wedding Photos

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