End of Year: What Went Well & What Didn’t

Earlier this month, I started a list of what went well and what didn’t work in our business since we moved to Toronto (it’s been 4 months!). I call it: an end-of-quarter review. I have never done it before on this business and I am excited to see how this will change next quarter. Most importantly, how this will change the business next year. I don’t have much to say as this is the first time but I have a lot of hope in it. Although this is the first for our business, I have done this nine times in my previous accounting job and I know it worked. It is good to once in awhile scrutinize your marketing/organizing strategy and plan on continue doing what works and stop doing the things that didn’t work. It is better to catch the flaw on your digital file backup after only three months implementing it than when something went really wrong after two years doing the same procedure. It will save your time. Time fixing your mistakes and time making up on the flaws. The bigger picture of it is growth. On your personal life and on your business/career.

I have a list of goals and I keep myself accountable to my husband and a few friends. I have found myself crossing more and more things from the list as the end of year approaching. I feel productive (sometimes a failure too when focusing on the not-achieved items). However, I also realized that some of the goals are just not visible in the next year/my vision and mission have changed/simply not interested in pursuing the goal that at one time I thought would be cool. Anyway, this list of what went well and what didn’t work, is another set of accountability that I am voting for. I would love to see my business grow, not just barely surviving. I would love to see what didn’t work and change it when the next quarter comes around. I do not want to just sit around in my comfortable zone and keep doing what I am capable of doing and stop there. I want to be stretched and grow. I hope you have some time to write this down on your own time before the new year. Before the new years’ resolutions take place, let’s reflect back and plan on some changes. I know I said don’t just sit around, but don’t be too hard on yourself and list what went well at the same time. You will need to continue doing this in the new year. All the best!

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