101 Goals in 1001 days :D!

I love making a list of things to do. Kevin even made me buy a pretty book so that I can write my list in it and not on random paper which are every where in our house ;). I love writing things down then cross (or tick mark) them when I finish. The feel of accomplishing goal(s) or being so productive is non-tradeable. Is that even a word? Not sure haha. Anyway, I found this 101 goals in 1001 days and I am stunned!

I have decided to make one for myself and cross the list one by one (and blog them) out. Let’s start!

1. Work on FAQ page for web

2. Order a sample album featuring our works

3. Purchase Canon 50mm f1.2L

4. Purchase Canon 70-200mm f2.8L

5. Travel to Africa and do a safari :)!

6. Take advanced lighting class

7. Finish reading the Last Jihad. Have been trying to finish this for at least 2 months! Why so slow this time…

8. Attend WPPI Conference

9. Watch the whole series of J* CreativeLIVE workshop

10.Re-watch the whole series of J* 2011 CreativeLIVE workshop

11. Try out Canon 85mm f1.2L

12. Purchase Canon 85mm f1.2L

13. Execute the long awaiting photoshoot with 3 friends (A/L/S — 0/3)

14. Volunteer in my church’s photography department

15. Take photoshop classes (0/3)

16. Finish Set Godin’s book —Indispensable

17. Get the design and printing of our business card done

18. Purchase a Shootsac

19. Take design and composition class

20. Attend Mira’s wedding

21. Upload more engagement pictures on web

22. Design a photobook for our honeymoon trip

23. Design a photobook for our east coast trip

24. Take a speedlight course

25. Join a photographer community

26. Purchase Canon 35mm f1.4L

27. Purchase Canon 24mm f1.4L II USM

28. Conduct a conceptual photoshoot

29. Attend a photography workshop outside of North America

30. Go to the airport and jump to the next flight without knowing the destination with Kevin ha ;)!

31. Do a photography travel in the west coast

32. Finish Dane Sander’s book 1

33. Finish Dane Sander’s book 2

34. Figure out how to store working paper and books neatly

35. Work with nonprofit organization, photography related

36. Start running/jogging again

37. Help Kevin with the how-to blog(s)

38. Travel to Egypt and Jordan

39. Go through all of the boxes in my crawlspace and throw away/donate/give away at least 2 boxes of things I don’t use/need anymore

40. Purchase a Think Tank to store equipment and for travel

41. Purchase an iPhone

42. Do a 365 days photo project with Instagram — when #41 is accomplished :))

43. Faithfully post a blog at least once a week

44. Get to know and work with photographer(s) in another field

45. Get our work published by wedding blog(s)



next one

June Fever

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