Simply Bridal on 2013 Top Engagement Rings
This summer, we had the priviledge of posting the first guest post on wedding dress ideas for destination weddings. Kristine from Simply Bridal has kindly created this beautiful infographic for us. Be sure to check their site and browse around! Proposal season is in full swing, and lucky ladies everywhere are excitedly showing off rings on […]

Merry Christmas to you all!
Christmas totally sneaked on us this year. Up to last week, we had matters to be attended and had to stay home although vacation away from home was what we much needed. Sometimes I feel that each year has a theme for itself. Earlier this year, I had no idea how it would turn out […]

Christmas Tree Session: Janice + Mike
These two are a real pleasure to work with. Janice and Mike of Janice Yi Photography have a Christmas tradition of cutting their own Christmas tree. So earlier this month, we ventured west to Chickadee farm in Guelph to document this. From the first step in the farm, Janice already said it had to be […]

Second Shooting: Art Gallery of Hamilton
In October, I got the privilege to shoot for Tamara again and as always, it didn’t disappoint! Here are some of my images of Katie and Chris’ elegant wedding in the Art Gallery of Hamilton. I started the day with the guys in Sheraton Hotel across the street. Share the love, Jenn Contact Jenn and […]