Richmond Hill Country Club Wedding Photographer
Renny and Clara’s wedding started at Clara’s place with a door game. It was one of the chillest wedding we have shot this year in terms of logistics, straight from the bride house to the venue. And they did both the ceremony and reception there. We had so much fun throughout the day capturing their […]

Toronto Pre-Wedding Photography: OCAD University // Fabby and Nicholas
TorontoPre-Wedding Photography OCAD Universty is a great Toronto photo location. Fabby and Nicholas chose this place because they both went to this university almost fifteen years ago! Fabby and Nicholas met through a mutual friend before attending OCAD as this friend knew they would be attending the same school. This is back in 2003 so […]

Driving from Porto to Sintra
Our third day was our last day in Porto. We packed our bags and left our Airbnb at 9:30AM. It was close to a three hour drive to Sintra. We only stopped once at the gas station and we arrived in Sintra around 1:00PM. We spent one third of the day driving from Porto to […]

Aveiro Day Trip From Porto
We started the day a little later on the second day in Porto (and Portugal). We had a great (almost) six hours sleep horizontally on the bed (flying red eye made us super thankful for a real bed even if it’s just a sofa bed!). We had a 9:30AM car reservation made but we didn’t […]