Perspective: Commit and Trust
This week, we are so blessed to receive so many good news. And it’s funny that when we traced back where we have come from, there were closed doors, (unnecessary) challenges, frustrations and, a number of times, bitterness towards the process. Nonetheless, all of those is just a blur now. We are celebrating for God’s […]

February 2013: iPhone Photos
Highlights of February: Snowpocalypse // Valentine’s day perfect gift from Anthropologie // Learn to knit // Winter wonderland maternity session // Falling in love deeper and deeper with our church // $2 Starbucks breakfast this month // Elizabeth Messina, enough said // New dimsum find: Emerald in Missisauga // House&Home inspirations // Fresh pomegranate // […]

Snowpocalypse and Lately
Last Friday, Ontario got a snowed in which we called “Snowpocalypse” or “Snowmageddon”, We needed to pick up a couple things for the business that day and we had to brave ourselves to face the weather. Driving cautiously did the job and we saw so many people got stuck in their cars along the way. […]

Perspective: Pursuit of Happiness vs. Contentment
We read a personal writing that touched our hearts last night and just thought we would share it with you. We are in a place in life where our friends bought their first apartments and tried to build families (ie. get pregnant). On the first issue, we have been considering to buy our own place […]