Tag: books

Book Review: Love is the Killer App

  We don’t remember how many Tim Sander’s books we have read but this one took a really long time to finish. Not because of the content (it’s gold!), but the timing for starting a book. Summer has been crazy and we really tried to read at least a book every 4-5 weeks. Without further […]


Book Review: The Likeability Factor

I have been indifferent about writing a book review on The Likeability Factor (thus, the late post). Tim Sanders as usual is a great author and I have gained a lot of insights reading this book. In the end, Kevin told me he learned a lot from a couple chapters (different ones that I thought […]


Book Review: The War of Art

I remember reading this book the first time on our trip to Boston. Kevin needed a wi-fi connection so we stopped at Starbucks in Barnes&Nobles. He did his thing and I wondered around the self-help section. I love this section and I am not ashamed to admit that I have problems and I need help. […]


Book Review: Start with Why

I started reading this right after Tim Sander’s book. It took me awhile to adjust with their different writing styles. However, it was really hard to put down the book once I hit the third chapter. The information in there is too good to be true. There are a lot of things that just finally […]

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