Perspective: Commit and Trust

This week, we are so blessed to receive so many good news. And it’s funny that when we traced back where we have come from, there were closed doors, (unnecessary) challenges, frustrations and, a number of times, bitterness towards the process. Nonetheless, all of those is just a blur now. We are celebrating for God’s faithfulness in our lives. In my home office, I wrote my favourite verses on post-it notes and here is one fitting to our season now:
Psalm 37: 3-6
Trust in the Lord and do good
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper
Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you your heart’s desires
Commit everything you do to the Lord
Trust Him and He will help you
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine life the noonday sun.
I have been fretting all week (if not the whole last month) of the longest to do list in my life. To get things done before the wedding season started. I felt that I failed to keep up with the list every single day. I would get 5 things off the list and added 6-7 more items. Again, every single day. But this week’s event has reminded me that these things shall pass and persistence will pay off. I will commit everything to Him, get my priorities right and trust in Him. We know that sometime next year we would love to own a place and transform part of the place as a home studio. Looking through the listings around Toronto has been quite interesting as we noticed the price is higher than what we have saved up for. But through this week’s event, I know that we need to commit this to Him, trust Him and He will help us. These all will be a blur on the day that we sign the paperwork to own our place. We are thankful for this season of our lives and we choose to trust in God.
Because a post without photos is not legit on this blog, here is a collage of images from our Europe trip that we are sending to the printing company next week to add more picture frames in our current place:
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