Merry Christmas to you all!

Christmas totally sneaked on us this year. Up to last week, we had matters to be attended and had to stay home although vacation away from home was what we much needed.

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Sometimes I feel that each year has a theme for itself. Earlier this year, I had no idea how it would turn out but I prayed it would be (His) “faithfulness”. Little did I know that it would be “Greater faith”.

I have a bitter sweet feeling of how next year will be. I am excited that it’ll be a fresh new start. But at this level of exhaustion we are experiencing, I don’t know how far we could be stretched again.

Nonetheless, there are SO many things we are grateful for. This is our one full year in Toronto. God has made a way and along the way, He equipped us with friends whom we hope to have a lifetime friendship with. Also along the way, He has gracefully trusted us with more on the business side. And for these things… We are excited with what’s in store for 2014.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

It’s hard to be so overwhelmed by your workload. Praying that next year will be successful for you guys, and hopefully not as stressful!! Now take the rest of the year off and enjoy the holidays 😉 Merry Christmas to you both!!

Thank you Jenn and Kevin for your Christmas wishes. Wishing you a fantastic year ahead!

Merry Christmas to you and yours as well! I totally agree with the holidays sneaking up on us!!! It always seems to though! 😀

thank you everyone! believing your christmas was merry!!

thank you everyone! believing your Christmas was merry!!



next one

Christmas Tree Session: Janice + Mike

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