
Book Review: Poke The Box

I have read a few books written by Seth Godin before. So last month, I was really looking forward to reading this book. I am compelled to read more when the question was asked “When was the last time that you try something new? Do something you haven’t done before?” Honestly, I was not too sure. So the same day at Starbucks, I ordered a new drink and quite frankly, I liked it. And every day since then, I aim to do one thing new or approach one thing differently. And quite frankly, again, I like it. This may sound simple but it’s not easy to take on.

Here are some things that I found note-worthy:
– Starting something new involves risk. Unfortunately in our culture today, this risk has been embraced as failure. There is a possibility your idea will become a flop and a big success. See how I mentioned flop first? This is 50/50 chance. And if there is a chance it’s a flop, it’s a failure. We are continuously discouraged to start something new.
– In this world of so many options, we all figured out what works, where the demand is and so on. So again and again, we are creating a service/business/etc that serves that market, hoping they will like it and pick us. It’s time for a change, pick yourself. Think outside of the box, step out of your comfort zone and start anew.
– Are you waiting for a permission to start a new project? To travel? To start a business? Whose permission are you waiting for? Do it! Be bold (although, don’t be foolish)!
– If you are given a chance to do a 20 minutes TED talk what would it be about? Think about it. Start embracing it. Start a project. Poke the box. Make a difference. Be ready to be asked to give a TED talk this year!
– We live in a project world. Once a project is initiated, they will continue doing it over and over for a million times. There is no act to refresh the project because why would you reinvent the wheel if it has proven to be working? We need an initiator in this world. The first step to start something new is hard. Especially when risk is considered as failure (see point 1). But we need this. Our world need this.

– We need a discipline to continue poking the box. Embrace this discipline. Doing it for the first time is hard. Doing it for the second time is as hard too! But keep the momentum and push on. To never finish is a disservice to the start of a project. To never start is a disservice to our own lives and communities. The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. Think about that.

This is just a personal post and a personal perspective on Poke The Box. I still encourage you to pick up this book and read it yourself. This is a fast read!

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Great review, l’m definitely intrigued 🙂

Interesting, worth a read 🙂 Thanks for the review!

Really interesting post, you know what – the next time I’m at Starbucks I might try something new 😀 x

Love it! Innovation and progress only come from individuals who are willing to move beyond what is known and ask instead what is possible…

Awesome post…I think I’m definitely going to pick this book up!

oooh, now I’m curious 🙂 Will def be picking this book up – thanks for the intriguing review!

Thanks for the reminder to get out of the comfort zone of the routine choices many of us make.

I love this and can say that my life is much richer and happier for living this way! Although, I’m not quite as open to the trying new foods/drinks thing 😉 Such a great post!

Interesting… I’m a bookworm and love new reading material!

And now I want to read this book! Thanks for the review of it! 🙂

Thanks for the review – Life is all about taking risks and trying new things 🙂

I’m adding this to my list – thanks!! Have you read Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown? It sounds similar to this one, and offers another great perspective. I recommend it!! 🙂

Hey Jennifer, I am totally going to check that one out! Thanks! 😀



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