Further Along in the Journey: Justin and Mary Marantz

Almost three years ago, I wrote our fourth blog post with no expectation and found this on the comment box. The first commenter on our blog. I checked her site and amazed by the work that her husband and her did.
I was giddy at the first comment ever on our blog and promised myself that I would remember this moment. The moment that I tried blogging and someone from the other side of the continent was kind enough to visit, read and leave a comment. I also promised myself that day to do the same to new photographers and bloggers. Our blog has changed ever since Mary’s comment on this little world of ours. We started from once a month to three times a week, from no reader to faithful commenters that can’t be count with our four hands anymore. Thank you for believing in us and following our works. For leaving your kind comments and making our days. Now, I am slipping away from the main point of this blog.
I remember the first month that I discovered Justin and Mary, I spent hours at nights reading through every single post that they wrote. From their old blog to their new blog, every single one of them. Their works, words and personalities just clicked. I have become a faithful follower of their work ever since. And of course, as a good wife, it became contagious and Kevin always got a good snippets in his inbox (and a reminder) to read the posts. Little did I know that this simple comment leads to all four of us sitting down at Chilli’s and in J&M’s living room last week. Going through our business, branding, and shooting/lighting techniques. Chatting about life, family and business, life and business. Dreaming about places we want to go and where we want our business to go.
Kevin and I realized early on in our life and business, we need mentors. We need people that are ahead in the journey to share their wisdom and to be accountable to. We see the mentor figures in Justin and Mary. We see in them: that business is not about themselves. We see that running a successful photography business means a well rounded knowledge in running the business side of it, being an excellent shooter and being an excellent identity in your industry and in your clients’ eyes. We see all these (and WAY MORE while sitting down with them) in Justin and Mary. Naturally, we booked a mentoring session and drive east to meet them. (You can arrange a Skype session for this but we always take things to another level so yes, we did drive 9.5 hours each way ;)). I know that we will forever remember that week and I am glad that we get to capture this too while there:
Justin and Mary, we thank you for a mentor, a leader and a friend that we found in you. But above all, thank you for being so honest. We needed that. We needed that affirmation and at the same time, a push, to bring this story of ours forward.
Much love,
Jenn and Kevin
PS: We have been married for almost four years and we have moved four times. We wished that we got to document each of the place that we had lived in. Now whenever we got a chance, we would photograph couples in front of their current dwellings :). Including the image above, J&M in front of their lakeview house!
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This is so great! I absolutely agree that everyone needs a mentor. Someone to impaired, motivate and keep you going! 🙂
Justin and Mary seem like wonderful people – I don’t think you could have found better mentors.
Very cool! A strong and honest mentor is such a blessing in any field!
Awesome! Wish I could have a mentor to push me forward.
So great to see helpful people in the industry.
A joy to read. Beautiful pictures.
I love Justin & Mary 🙂
Wow, I love that story! Mentors are truly priceless.
It’s so great to have a mentor that inspires you! I think it’s so important for everyone…Justin & Mary are great!
Stoked that a blog comment worked out so well for ya. 😉
Wow, that is so awesome!!! Keep doing what you’re doing!!!